What Is Cursor in SQL, Understanding the Types & Syntax of SQL Cursor

What Is Cursor in SQL, Understanding the Types & Syntax of SQL Cursor

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 22, 2024 03:46 PM IST | #SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool for managing and retrieving data from relational databases. One of the fundamental aspects of SQL is the use of cursors in SQL, which allow for more fine-grained control over data manipulation. This is where cursors come into play, providing a way to work with records on an individual basis; allowing for precise control over data manipulation.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is a Cursor in SQL?
  2. Types of SQL Cursors
  3. Syntax of a SQL Cursor
  4. Navigating Result Sets
  5. Performing Intricate Record-Level Operations
What Is Cursor in SQL, Understanding the Types & Syntax of SQL Cursor
What Is Cursor in SQL, Understanding the Types & Syntax of SQL Cursor

In this article, we will explore what is cursor in DBMS, Types of Cursor in SQL, the Cursor syntax in SQL, and its lifecycle. Consider Learning these SQL Certification Courses if you are interested in gaining further expertise in this field.

What is a Cursor in SQL?

A cursor in SQL is a database object used to retrieve and manipulate data row by row, rather than fetching an entire result set at once. SQL Server Cursor Syntax provides a way to work with records within a database table in a procedural manner, which can be useful for complex data processing tasks.

Cursors are typically used in scenarios where it is necessary to iterate through a result set step-by-step, perform operations on each row, and then move on to the next row. Common use cases for cursor in SQL include data validation, reporting, and complex data transformations.

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Types of SQL Cursors

Structured Query Language (SQL), cursors are a fundamental feature that allows for precise control when dealing with database records. Cursors offer a way to navigate result sets row by row, making them indispensable for tasks that require record-level operations and intricate data manipulations. In this section, we will explore the different types of cursor in DBMS, each tailored to specific scenarios and needs.

Whether you are working with a small result set or a large database, understanding the distinctions and applications of these cursor types is essential for efficient and effective data handling in SQL. There are two main types of cursor in SQL:

Implicit Cursors: The implicit cursor in SQL are managed by the database system and do not require explicit declarations or management by the user. When you execute a SQL statement, the database system automatically manages the cursor for you. Implicit cursors are most commonly used when retrieving a single row or a small set of rows. Here is an example:



SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Persons;


  • Explicit Cursors: Explicit cursors are declared, opened, and managed by the user. They provide more control over the data retrieval process. Explicit cursors are used when you need to retrieve and manipulate a larger result set, perform complex operations on the data, or when you need to iterate through multiple rows.

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Syntax of a SQL Cursor

The syntax of a SQL cursor is a fundamental aspect of working with cursors in structured query language (SQL). Cursors provide a powerful tool for navigating and manipulating data on a row-by-row basis, enabling precise control over record-level operations within a database.

Understanding the syntax of a SQL cursor is essential for declaring, opening, fetching, processing, closing, and deallocating cursors effectively.

In this section, we will explore the SQL server cursor syntax in detail, providing you with the knowledge and skills needed to use cursors to their full potential in your SQL database operations. To declare and use an explicit cursor in SQL, you follow a specific syntax. Here is a basic outline of the steps involved in using an explicit cursor example in SQL:

  • Declaration: You declare a cursor by providing a unique name and specifying the SQL query that will populate the cursor with data.


SELECT column1, column2

FROM table_name

WHERE conditions;

  • Opening: You open the cursor to begin fetching data from the result set.

OPEN cursor_name;

  • Fetching: You fetch one row at a time from the cursor using the FETCH statement. You can fetch data into variables to process it.

FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name INTO @variable1, @variable2;

  • Processing: You perform operations on the fetched data.

  • Closing: After processing all the rows, you close the cursor to release resources.

CLOSE cursor_name;

  • Deallocating: Finally, you deallocate the cursor to free up system resources.

DEALLOCATE cursor_name;

Cursor Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a cursor in SQL is a structured and systematic journey that a database cursor undergoes from its inception to its eventual retirement. Cursors, which are essential tools for navigating and manipulating data row by row within a relational database, go through distinct stages during their lifecycle.

Understanding this lifecycle is crucial for effectively using cursors to retrieve and process data in a procedural manner, as it helps manage resources efficiently and ensures data integrity. The lifecycle of a cursor in SQL consists of several stages:

  • Declaration: This is where you define the cursor's structure and associate it with a specific SQL query.

  • Opening: The cursor is opened to initialise data retrieval.

  • Fetching: Data is retrieved row by row using the FETCH statement.

  • Processing: You perform operations on the fetched data.

  • Closing: Once all rows have been processed, the cursor is closed to release resources.

  • Deallocating: Cursors ( explicit ) hold resources during their lifecycle, and deallocate them to release resources.The cursor is deallocated to free up system resources, and the cursor's name is no longer available for use.

Cursor in SQL play a crucial role when it comes to handling record-level operations within a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). They are particularly important when there is a need to navigate and manipulate data on a row-by-row basis, a scenario where the basic SQL statements alone are not sufficient.

One important topic related to cursor in SQL is the handling of result sets and performing intricate operations on individual records.

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Navigating Result Sets

SQL databases commonly store vast amounts of data, and querying these databases often results in large result sets. While SQL offers powerful tools for filtering, sorting, and aggregating data, it typically retrieves the entire result set at once, which might not always be practical or efficient.

Cursor syntax in SQL provides a mechanism for navigating these result sets, allowing you to move through the data one row at a time, fetching and processing individual records as needed. This level of control is invaluable in various situations, such as:

  • Data Validation: When you need to check each record in a result set for specific conditions or constraints, cursors allow you to inspect each row individually and take action accordingly.

  • Complex Data Transformations: For complex data transformations where the outcome depends on the values of each record and the relationships between records, cursors help you process each row in a personalised way.

  • Reporting: In scenarios where you need to generate detailed, customised reports based on the data in your database, cursors enable you to construct these reports row by row.

Performing Intricate Record-Level Operations

The ability to work with individual records provided by cursors is particularly valuable in scenarios that involve complex data manipulations and transformations. These operations can encompass a wide range of tasks, such as:

  • Data Cleaning: When dealing with real-world data, it is common to encounter inconsistencies, missing values, or other data quality issues. Cursors allow you to clean and standardise data on a record-by-record basis.

  • Calculations and Aggregations: Some computations involve data from multiple records, requiring you to collect and aggregate information as you navigate through the result set.

  • Data Migration: During data migration projects, where you need to transfer data from one database or system to another, cursors can assist in mapping and transforming data as it is moved.

  • Error Handling: Cursors are essential for robust error handling and exception management when processing data. You can catch and handle errors gracefully on a record-by-record basis.

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Cursor in SQL provides a means to work with data in a procedural manner, enabling row-level operations and complex data manipulations. While they can be powerful, it is important to use them judiciously, as they may introduce performance overhead when processing large result sets.

Understanding what is cursor in PL/SQL, different types of cursor in SQL, their syntax, and their lifecycle is essential for effectively implementing cursors in your SQL queries will help students gain an efficient career as a computer programmer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a cursor in SQL, and when should I use it?

A cursor in SQL is a database object used to retrieve and manipulate data row by row. You should use cursors when you need to perform record-level operations, data validation, complex data transformations, or customised reporting within a result set.

2. What are the two main types of cursor in SQL, and how do they differ?

SQL cursors come in two main types: implicit and explicit cursors. Implicit cursors are managed by the database system and are suitable for simple operations, while explicit cursors are user-declared and provide more control over the data retrieval process.

3. Can you explain the basic cursor syntax in SQL of declaring and using a cursor in SQL?

To declare and use an explicit cursor in SQL, you need to follow a specific syntax that includes declaration, opening, fetching, processing, closing, and deallocation steps. Each of these steps is essential for proper cursor operation.

4. When is it appropriate to use cursors in SQL, and when should I avoid them?

Cursors are appropriate when you need to perform record-level operations or iterate through a result set row by row. However, they can introduce performance overhead, so they should be used judiciously, especially when working with large result sets.

5. What are some common use cases for cursors in SQL?

Common use cases for cursors include data validation, complex data transformations, reporting, error handling, and data cleaning. Cursors are particularly valuable when dealing with intricate data manipulation scenarios.


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